Cleopatra in Space

Poster Image for Cleopatra in Space
Poster Image for Cleopatra in Space

Cleopatra in Space

Science Fiction ALL AGES Greyscale Sporadic

Cleopatra in Space


Zapped away as a teenager from her home era of 52 BC, Cleopatra VII found herself in the middle of a centuries’ long war in the far, far, really far, far future. Now she fights alongside P.Y.R.A.M.I.D. (Pharaoh Yasiro’s Research And Military Initiative of Defense), both human and alienkind’s only hope against the evil Xaius Octavian.

An ancient scroll prophesies that Cleopatra is destined to become the savior of the Nile galaxy; finally freeing its worlds from the tyrannical rule of the technologically advanced Xerx race. With help from her best friend and feline teacher, Khensu, Cleo is learning what it takes to be the great leader she is destined to become while still trying to figure out how she’s ever going to pass military school, make friends, avoid detention, and all of the other important things that come with being a reckless, fifteen-year-old future queen of the universe.


February 10, 2025 - March 12, 2025
Period Total Profile Views Total Website Visits
Last 30 Days 56 16

COMMENTS (1 Comment)

  • Felicia_Jackson

    Cleo in Space

    I absolutely adore this webcomic and its graphic novel and wanted to share with the community. Its definitely worth reading...

    Felicia_Jackson -


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