The following are all the webcomics in our database

Vampire High School

Vampire High School

 An absurdist webcomic about sucking blood & hittin' the snooze button! VHS is a creepy-cute webcomic about two best friends and their silly day-to-day scenarios. If you wish Halloween was every day, subscribe to Vampire High School!  [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 7 years ago

Weaker Sides

Weaker Sides

This is the story of Kyoko and Ashley and their fateful meeting on a gentle summer night. Hailing from Canada, Ashley Brooks moved to Apeldoorn, the Netherlands to become a nurse. He spends his free time gardening, tending to wounded woodland critters and [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 8 years ago

Wingless: The Dovecote Princess

Wingless: The Dovecote Princess

Wingless is a dark fantasy story of a 女の子 named Ephelia who wants to become a knight for the honour of her family. 後で making an impromptu deal with an 不明 entity, she finds her 世 increasingly distorted. Will sh [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 8 years ago

THE FLOOD - a salvation myth

THE FLOOD - a salvation myth

 "I want what you want. I want revenge... for everyone, and everything, that never deserved to die." - Mercy [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 9 years ago

Moth City

Moth City

Governor McCaw is a man who has everything; a beautiful daughter, a mansion on a peak and a weapons deal with the army of Nationalist China. But when his chief scientist is murdered by a desperate worker, he becomes entangled in deadly intrigues that thre [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 9 years ago

Monstrous Pulp

Monstrous Pulp

Monstrous Pulp is a place for all the most horrible things inside the twisted, collective psyche of our New God, Pop Culture. [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 9 years ago

Zombie Waffe

Zombie Waffe

Zombie Waffe is a free online webcomic about a team of different people trying to surviving a zombie apocalypse [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 9 years ago

Autumn Bay

Autumn Bay

The myths and legends of old, urban legends spread between friends and on the internet, the mad ravings of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, even a lot of what you see in the tabloids; they're all true. The world is far stranger than most people realiz [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 9 years ago

Run Freak Run

Run Freak Run

 “Do you believe in witches?” In the 17th Century Spain, during the height of the Inquisition and witches and monsters roam the land. Real witches. By the orders of Queen Isabella, all supernatural beings must be hunted down, ju [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 9 years ago



 Bianca Fortune knew her house was haunted, but she never thought she would end up among its ghosts.Ripped from her listless life in a freak accident, Bianca finds herself stranded in the company of souls more lost and confused than her own, and stal [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 9 years ago

Holliday: Mountain Madness

Holliday: Mountain Madness

 DOC HOLLIDAY LIVES! Weird Western Webcomics! HOLLIDAY: MOUNTAIN MADNESS ,a weird psychotronic acid western comic of the further adventures of Doc Holliday!One year after John Holliday is planted in the frozen earth, who is this wounded gunman seekin [ … ]

50% rating
submitted 9 years ago

Zombie Ranch

Zombie Ranch

 Meet Susannah Zane. She’s a rancher. She raises livestock.Only thing is, her stock isn’t technically “live”.The Great Zombie Plague wiped out a fair portion of civilization, and humans weren’t the only victims of its ra [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 9 years ago