The Intrepid Girlbot

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Poster Image for The Intrepid Girlbot

The Intrepid Girlbot

Comedy , Parody or Satire ALL AGES Greyscale Weekly

The Intrepid Girlbot

Girlbot lives in a big house in a world with no people, just forest critters and other robots. But she’s unique, and therefore, alone. She’s on a constant quest to be a “good girl,” whatever that really means. Despite living with a few other robotic companions, she’s still isolated and reaches out to others in her own awkward way.


              Her latest attempts have been to make a friend out of an unfortunate raccoon she accidentally abducted, tortured, and killed. She fixed her up, which resulted in the raccoon — called Raccoon #1 — becoming half-robot herself: a cyborg.

              Scared by Girlbot’s well-meaning but strange ways, Raccoon #1 fled back to the forest and her raccoon clan, where she had her own problems fitting in after her new alterations. The eventual results were explosive.

              Girlbot herself ventured into the nearby Robot City to pick up supplies and buy replacements for her old extendable arms, which were damaged in her pursuit of Raccoon #1. Without her knowledge, Girlbot simultaneously gained two enemies, a malfunctioning ladybot and Raccoon #1, now shunned by her clan.

              Raccoon #1 and Girlbot were reunited and grudges were healed, followed by a desperate bid for freedom from Robot City. The Robo Popo on Raccoon’s tail, they escaped, only to be followed to the forest by a horde of ladybots.

              To try to save the forest and the animals there, Girlbot got the attention of her fellow robots while Raccoon #1 did her best to save her family, accidentally setting the forest ablaze in the process.

              The fire extinguished and animals and robots returning to their natural order, our heroes dealt with the damage and made amends as best they could. Now a patchwork family of irregular robots and displaced woodland creatures, they must learn to deal with each other, and Girlbot must finally find her true place.


February 10, 2025 - March 12, 2025
Period Total Profile Views Total Website Visits
Last 30 Days 49 16

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