The ultimate in geek humour, XKCD has been making jokes about PERL programming language, Cory Doctorow and heartbreak since 2005. It describes itself as a “webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language”, suffers from something of an obsession with the velociraptors out of Jurassic Park, and may be the only cartoon in the world that features The Grim Reaper playing Dungeons & Dragons against Gary Gygax (“RIP, Gary”).
A series of one-off comics or short story arcs, drawn with generic stick-figure characters (one of whom, distinguished from the others with a black hat, appears to be a diabolical genius), it started when Mr Randall scanned in the doodles from his college exercise books, put them online and got a positive response. Now his site pulls in over 60 million page views a month (as of October 2007).
Period | Total Profile Views | Total Website Visits |
Last 30 Days | 38 | 16 |
Girlbot lives in a big house in a world with no people, just forest critters and other robots. But she’s unique, and therefore, alone. She’s on a constant quest to be a “good girl,” whatever that really means. Despite living with a [ … ]
Rubbba Teets is the odd ball creation of weirdo Scott Hall. Starring the aquatic goof Lamprey Boy, the angry hotdog; Honeywell Dingdong, and the tourettes afflicted, F. Duk. [ … ]
AH! PIE! is an absurdist webcomic by Laurel Green. It updates Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is absurd. [ … ]
Tyrone is a bad ass ex-Marine who don't take shit from nobody! Until now, his previous adventures were a mystery, but thanks to modern technology, his comics have been digitally enhanced so they can be enjoyed over and over the way they were meant to [ … ]
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