The following are all the webcomics in our database

Various Happenings

Various Happenings

A young lady who isn't what she seems and another who doesn't know what she's getting into. Their encounter may not be the start of everything, but it is from where we observe the web of people and creatures they encounter and the various happenings that [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 5 years ago

The Lavenders

The Lavenders

Meet Rose Lavender: hard working senior detective with a flair for the fabulous. She’s a mom just like any other except for one thing… she’s also a vampire. All hell breaks loose when her half-vampire daughter, Darlene finally comes of age and [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 5 years ago

Salient Caligation

Salient Caligation

Salient Caligation exists in a parallel reality of the Earth we know. The places and the people look and act the same but those dark places that scare and frighten us are much clearer, and the monsters that lurk in the dark are very real. We follow the li [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 5 years ago

The Solitary Divide

The Solitary Divide

The Solitary Divide NSFW 18+ is a long-form post-apocalypse zombie outbreak webcomic with a focus on survival and prepping.Alex woke up from one nightmare only to be involuntarily thrown into another. The dead are now roaming the Earth, and she has lost e [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 5 years ago

The Mutilator and The Burning Moon

The Mutilator and The Burning Moon

After suffering a vicious animal attack while on a trip to Germany, young janitor Robert Marz returns home to Rome only to witness the brutal slaying of a young model, becoming a target of the deranged killer as well.Meanwhile, Robert begins to exude stra [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 5 years ago

Valley View Cemetery

Valley View Cemetery

Follow the Valley View Cemetery Coven as they prepare for the most important day of the year. Halloween! [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 5 years ago



A mysterious woman never seems to leave the public park.  Local children are the only ones to notice her, however.  She never causes any harm, but speculations arise as to what her true purpose in being there is. [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 6 years ago

Rot Town

Rot Town

ROT TOWN, THE AGE OF THE UNDEAD.22 years ago something bad happend to the world.  The Vile Genesis.  Plague and fire throttled the dominion of man and soon man ruled no more.  The world as we knew it drowned in its own vomit and rotted under the red su [ … ]

100% rating
submitted 6 years ago

Against Stupidity

Against Stupidity

Meet Jesse Grunwald. Jesse just finished two years at community college in Santa Fe. In a fortuitous coincidence, earlier this year, he got offered a four-year scholarship at a Denver university and inherited his grandmother’s estate–a vi [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 7 years ago

The Changeling's Sister

The Changeling's Sister

Rose's twin sister is kidnapped by a fairy and replaced by a doll. She is the only one who can see the difference, and the doll treats her horribly, until she one day has enough of it and goes searching for her real sister. [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 7 years ago

Landslide Roots

Landslide Roots

 “LANDSLIDE “is one of the many names given to the giant earthen ones– those that slumber as our hills and mountains. Those who roamed Earth long before recorded history and continued to exist in the wake of mankind. The Coloss [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 7 years ago



A zombie virus ravages the world. The only country that gets a handle on things is the United States, who contain the virus on the West Coast. Many years later, a child is born who seems to be immune to it. The survivor group caring for the child is [ … ]

0% rating
submitted 7 years ago